Women of WWII: On the Front Lines & the Home Front | A presentation by author Barb Warner Deane

Date(s) - 07/02/2019
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Southeast Steuben County Library


During World War II, American women took on many new roles, both in the military and as civilians. Beyond Rosie the Riveter and the Atomic Girls, women made incredible contributions to the war effort. One of the civilian avenues was through the American Red Cross Clubmobile program, which was essentially a mobile club, featuring doughnuts, coffee, and good old American girl-next-door friendliness, all served up at the front lines in Europe, Southeast Asia, India, and Australia – wherever the troops were to be found. Learn more about the Clubmobile program and all the ways in which American women helped win the war!

Author Barbara Warner Deane is a native of the Finger Lakes region, a graduate of Cornell University, and has written four novels (two of them are being published this year).
You can learn more on her website:  www.barbwarnerdeane.com